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God’s Instructions To Paul and Barnabas

By Andrew Williams – March 23, 2022

God’s Instructions To Paul and Barnabas

As they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work I have called them to.” Then after they had fasted, prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them off. Being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they came down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.
Acts 13:2‭-‬4 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you put yourself in the place where you can hear from the Holy Spirit? Are you fasting and praying, and worshiping God with the expectation that He will speak to you?

Here we see Paul and Barnabas being called to a specific work. As leaders in their church, God spoke to all the leaders while they were worshiping Him and told them to release Paul and Barnabas to do a specific work.

Paul and Barnabas were sent by the Holy Spirit to go to places they had never been to before. They left Antioch and sailed to Cyprus. We know that Paul and Barnabas went and spread the gospel throughout the gentile world. They were obedient to the instructions of the Holy Spirit.

Have you been instructed by the Holy Spirit to do a specific form of ministry / a specific work?

Have you followed His instructions?

We know that as disciples we are never alone because the Holy Spirit of God is with us. This month we have looked at God’s instructions to individuals, but today we see that God sometimes gives the same instructions to more than one person so that they can work together.

Who has God called you to work alongside? Are you faithfully working along with that person to fulfill God’s call on your lives?

Prayer: Father God, I humble myself before You and seek You with all my heart. Speak to me through Your Holy Spirit and show me the specific work that You have called me to. Show me who I am supposed to work with and empower us to fulfill that calling.

I obediently go out now to do as You have instructed. I may not see the full picture, but in faith I step out knowing that You are with me and that everything that You have spoken over my life will come to pass.

Use me mightily to reach others for You so that they can be saved, healed, delivered, and become faithful disciples for You. Amen

1 thought on “God’s Instructions To Paul and Barnabas”

  1. The Holy Spirit was very specific in identifying two individuals to do mission, He called them by name and send them on the mission field.
    Are we willing to answer such a call today?

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