jesus, baby, mary

God with Us – Day 6

By Andrew Williams – March 19, 2021

Introduction: We continue our series on discipleship as taught and patterned for us by our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, looking at Jesus’ ministry to gain insights into the model of discipleship that He used to make The Father’s Kingdom known. This week we are looking at the incarnation of Jesus as reported in the book of Matthew.

Scripture: “and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name Jesus” . Matthew 1:25 NKJV

Insight: We see Joseph honoring Mary and God by not having sexual relations with her when she was pregnant with Jesus. This means that there was no way for anyone to say that the child was not conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Notice that the verse says that Mary brought forth HER first born, it does not mention Joseph as been the father. But Joseph was not left out because we continue to see Joseph’s obedience to God, and that he named the child as the angel had told him. Jesus was his name, and he has saved his people

Prayer: Father God we thank You for Mary and Joseph who were obedient to You and who shows us that even in circumstances that we did not plan, we can still be obedient to you so that we can that we can bless others. Thank You Lord Jesus for coming in the form of a child, and growing up like one of us, and then saving us from our sins. We love you Lord and we thank you for your great great sacrifice. Amen.

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