jesus, baby, mary

God with Us – Day 4

By Andrew Williams – March 17, 2021

Introduction: We continue our series on discipleship as taught and patterned for us by our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, looking at Jesus’ ministry to gain insights into the model of discipleship that He used to make the Father’s Kingdom known. This week we are looking at the incarnation of Jesus as reported in the book of Matthew.

Scripture: So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Matthew 1:22‭-‬23 NKJV

Insight: There are many old testament prophesies about Jesus, and this one concerning His birth was about to be fulfilled. Isn’t it wonderful when God let us know the wonderful things that He has prepared for us ? Even though they might have been scared, I can only imagine the joy that Mary and Joseph experienced when they realized that they would be parents to the Messiah.

Can you imagine, God coming to live among us? Wow ! What would that be like? Mary and Joseph would have to wait and see and learn through the different phases of life that they went through with Jesus. As we continue this journey of looking at the life and teachings of Jesus, we also will experience what it is to have “God with Us”.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for trusting Mary and Joseph with the privilege of raising your son. Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to live among us in order to bring God’s message to us. There is so much to learn from Your life here on earth, so we ask You Lord to teach us and disciple us through Your Word and Your Holy Spirit, amen.

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