jesus, baby, mary

God with Us – Day 3

By Andrew Williams – March 16, 2021

Introduction: We continue our series on discipleship as taught and patterned for us by our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, looking at Jesus’ ministry to gain insights into the model of discipleship that He used to make the Father’s Kingdom known. This week we are looking at the incarnation of Jesus as reported in the book of Matthew.

Scripture: “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus , for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 NKJV

Insight: In our world persons seek to do ultrasounds to ascertain the gender of their unborn child in order to make preparations for the unborn child. We see God telling Joseph not only the gender and name of the unborn child, but also the destiny of the child.

His name will be Jesus, because “He will save His people from their sins”. This child is special! No other human ever had this destiny (and no one will ever do it after him). Joseph must have wondered how Jesus would accomplish this and what His relationships with people would be like. As we continue looking at Jesus’ life and ministry we will see how he accomplished these.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for sending Your angel to Mary and Joseph to let them know the name and destiny of the child you have to them. We are so grateful to You Lord for sending Your son to redeem us. Thank You for making Him like us so that we recognize that we can live like He did when we are saved and filled with Your Holy Spirit, amen.

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