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God Performs

By Andrew Williams – June 27,2021

God was performing extraordinary miracles by Paul’s hands, so that even facecloths or work aprons that had touched his skin were brought to the sick, and the diseases left them, and the evil spirits came out of them. ” Acts 19:11‭-‬12 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

When most people look at this passage they look at the fact that people were healed from diseases and people got delivered from evil spirits when pieces of cloth that had touched Paul’s skin were placed on them. Miracles, healings, and deliverance were effected in many different ways as documented in the bible.

What we generally overlook is this phrase, ” God was performing”. It was God who was performing the miracles by the hand of Paul. It is always God who does it. We are only the vessels or the instruments that He uses! Always remember that it is God’s Holy Spirit in us that is the miracle worker.

Paul’s relationship and fellowship with God was of such a character that God was able to use him in such extraordinary ways. What has God preformed through you recently or what does God perform through you consistently? Are you surrendered and submitted to God, and fellowshipping with God that He will perform Godly acts through you?

God wants to work through you and me to reach others. As we look at those who God has worked through, may we use them as examples and compare our lives to them, and then be obedient to God as they were.

Prayer: Father God, I want You to perform miracles, signs, and wonders through me. I want to be a witness for You which means that I will spread Your word with signs and wonders following me. I surrender to You completely, I submit to Your every will, and I will go out and serve You and others in the simplest ways, humbly accepting every task that You give me. As I do so Lord May others be healed and delivered and saved, amen.

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