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God Of The Spirits Of All Flesh

By Andrew Williams – October 19, 2021

“Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, “
Numbers 27:16 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples. In the devotionals entitled “Hovering” and “Made By The Spirit”, we saw that God is Spirit. Today as we continue to look at “The Spirit Of God” we will examine one aspect of His relationship with mankind.

“Let יהוה, the Elohim of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation, ” Bemiḏbar (Numbers) 27:16 TS2009

In context, this verse is speaking about a successor to Moses being named. In this prayer Moses is asking Jehovah, Yahweh, The Lord, to appoint a new successor. No matter what name you call God by and no matter which version you look at one phrase is common in this verse. That phrase is, “the God of the spirits of all flesh”.

This phrase is significant to me because it shows that Jehovah/Elohim/Yahweh is the God of All flesh. He is ruler supreme! But the phrase does not say that He is God of All flesh, it says that “He is the God of the spirits of all flesh”.
We recall from the creation story that God made man from the dirt, but only when he breathed the breath of life into him did he become a living soul. The living part of man is not his body / his flesh, but the spirit that lives within him. We recall elsewhere that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is God of the living, not God of the dead.

God is not God of the body but of the spirit that lives within the body. It is this combination of body and spirit that makes us living souls. When the body dies the spirit lives on. If we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, then we will remain with God for all eternity and He will continue to be our God. God is God of all spirit, however, because of sin not all spirits choose to worship The Lord as their God.

There is none other than the Lord who is God of the spirits of all flesh. Will you choose to serve Him as your God today or will you refuse to serve Him?

Prayer: God of the spirits of all flesh, I submit and surrender to You. You are my only God, You are my king, You are my savior and redeemer. I wholeheartedly serve You. Lord as I continue to draw closer to you, show me who You are and who I am.

As our fellowship continues to blossom help me to serve You in the way that I should. Use me to bring others back into right relationship with You so that they too may honor and serve You as “God of the spirits of all flesh”. Amen

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