God Answers Your Petitions

The Lord said to him, “I have heard your prayer and your petition. I have set this Temple apart to be holy—this place you have built where my name will be honored forever. I will always watch over it, for it is dear to my heart.
1 Kings 9:3 NLT

By Andrew Williams

Good morning fellow disciples.

Petition: something asked or requested, or an earnest request.

After Solomon prayed to God, God answered his prayer. God set apart the temple to be holy and to be the place where He would meet with His people.

Are you a temple of the Lord?

Have you dedicated yourself to Him, and has He consecrated you as His own?

Is God’s name being honored in you, and by you?

If you are God’s holy temple, rest assured that He will always watch over you because you are dear to His heart.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for always hearing my petitions. Thank You for answering me when I pray. Thank You for making me Your temple and always watching over me. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for being my Father and the source of everything I need. Amen.

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