Glory to God

By Andrew Williams

Good morning, fellow disciples.

When you read your Bible, have you ever wondered why God gave some of the most seemingly stupid instructions to people?

Instructions like:

  • Walk around Jericho and shout and the walls will fall down (Joshua 6:1-5).
  • Speak to the rock and water will come out of it (Numbers 20:1-13).
  • As long as Moses held up God’s staff in his hands, Israel would be winning the battle (Exodus 17:11).
  • God tells Moses to make a bronze serpent and raise it on a pole. This act allows anyone who looks at the serpent to be healed of a deadly snakebite (Numbers 21:4-9).
  • God instructs Noah to build a large ark to save himself, his family, and animals from a great flood (Genesis 6:14-22).

When you examine these and other strange instructions in the Bible, you will realize that it comes down to one thing: We must give glory to God for His mighty works.

God wanted to show His people that He was the one who was saving them. God wanted people to know that He was still in charge, and that they should honor Him.

If we can do things in our own power, we tend to forget about God. We don’t give Him the honor and glory that is due to Him.

What has God told you to do that is seemingly stupid?

Have you done it?

Did He miraculously provide for you, or solve the situation for you or someone that you loved?

When God showed up, how did you respond?

Did you give glory to Him?

Prayer: Father, God, all honor, all power, and all glory belongs to You. There are so many things that You have told me to do that I did not understand or agree with, but when I did them, You showed up miraculously in my life.

Thank You Lord, for using these stupid things to confound me and to bring me into that place where I really, really, really understand that You are GOD! Amen.

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