Glorious Church

By Andrew Williams

‘He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. ‘Ephesians 5:27

Good morning fellow disciples.

Glorious: marked by great beauty or splendor.

Christ’s Church is glorious. It is without spots, wrinkles, or any blemish. She will be holy and without fault when He takes her to Himself. She is the beautiful, glorious bride that He deserves.

But how do we become this glorious church?

This all because of Jesus Christ. It is because of His love for us and the fact that He gave his life to redeem us. Because He preached the gospel of the Kingdom of God and told us everything that God told Him, we can be cleansed by God’s word.

Are you a part of the body of Christ? Are you a member of His glorious church?

Jesus wants to present us to Himself as His glorious church, that is without spot, wrinkle or any other blemish. Won’t you make the choice today to accept Him as your Lord, savior, and king?

Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving us and making us a part of Your glorious church. Amen.

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