Give Thanks for the WORD of God

By Andrew Williams

For the word of God will never fail.”
Luke 1:37 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Let us pray!

Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your WORD – Your expressed and manifested mind and will.

There are so many things that You said that have never failed and that will never fail. You always listen and answer our prayers:

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. Jeremiah 33:3 NLT

When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. Psalms 91:15 NLT

I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! Isaiah 65:24 NLT

In Isaiah 11:1 -‬ 5 NLT You promised us a savior, and You kept that promise:

Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot— yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root. And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. He will delight in obeying the Lord. He will not judge by appearance nor make a decision based on hearsay. He will give justice to the poor and make fair decisions for the exploited. The earth will shake at the force of his word, and one breath from his mouth will destroy the wicked. He will wear righteousness like a belt and truth like an undergarment.

You manifested Your WORD in the person of Jesus Christ. He taught us about You and Your Kingdom. He is Your WORD in the flesh. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice we have been redeemed!

Thank You Lord for Your unfailing WORD!

We will continue to read Your expressed WORD and we pledge to live according to it. We will continue to yield to Jesus Christ who is Your manifested WORD!

Thank You for Your WORD! Amen.

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