Give Thanks for Saints

By Andrew Williams

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
Ephesians 6:18 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

I am so grateful for you!

Without you being in my life I probably would have given up already. Some of you I know personally, and some of you I’ve never met, but I am grateful that you are my brother and sister in Christ. Together we go out to fulfill the great commission to make disciples and advance the Kingdom of God!

I love you, my fellow disciples!

Prayer: Father God, I am not alone. My fellow disciples are not alone. Together, even though we are far apart and sometimes may never meet each other, we are Your body. We are one Lord!

We are born of the Spirit! We are filled with Your Holy Spirit! We are empowered to be effective disciples throughout the world!

Lord God, I am encouraged by their testimonies and the exploits that they are doing in Your name. I am grateful for them going to places that I may never be able to, or have ever heard of.

I am grateful for those who have written books that have impacted my life and the lives of others. I am grateful for those who have recorded their sermons and made them available online for us to learn from , and to be encouraged. I’m grateful for those who document how they disciple and evangelize others so that we all can learn how to be better disciples.

I am grateful for those who will call or send a text to encourage, to rebuke, chastise, to show love , or to pray with me. I am grateful for those who will take care of our families while we are on the mission field. I am grateful for those who accompany us and support us in many ways as we continue to make disciples for Christ.

Continue to bless the saints Lord! Continue to bless Your disciples! Use us all to fulfill Your great commission, Lord Jesus, amen.

2 thoughts on “Give Thanks for Saints”

  1. Jennifer Nembhard

    Brother Andrew Williams your devotions have truly bless my heart in the mornings so impact full spiritual blessing. May God continue to bless and keep you as you continue to do his work.Thanks to Pastor Deron Swaby who shared these devotions with me.🙏🙏🙏🙏

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