Give Thanks for Peace

By Andrew Williams

Then all the men returned to Jerusalem, with Jehoshaphat leading them, overjoyed that the Lord had given them victory over their enemies. They marched into Jerusalem to the music of harps, lyres, and trumpets, and they proceeded to the Temple of the Lord. When all the surrounding kingdoms heard that the Lord himself had fought against the enemies of Israel, the fear of God came over them. So Jehoshaphat’s kingdom was at peace, for his God had given him rest on every side.
2 Chronicles 20:27‭-‬30 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there’s no fighting or war.

War was declared on Judah by several surrounding nations. Judah and all its inhabitants had cried out to the Lord for help and He told them what to do. As they were obediently worshiping Him, God Himself caused the opposing armies to fight against each other and defeat each other. When Judah reached the battlefield all they had to do was collect the spoils of war.

This act of God brought peace to Judah as all the surrounding nations became afraid to go to war with Judah.

The interesting thing about this story is that the people of Judah praised God before they expected battle, and they continued to praise Him afterward.

Do you have peace in your life?

Are you giving thanks to God for the peace that you experience?

Prayer: Father God, our country is at peace with its neighbors. We are grateful for that and we thank You!

Father God even though there may be turmoil within our country, we know that You can bring peace to us. Just like You did for Judah You can do it for us. We position ourselves now to honor, glorify, praise, and put our trust in You to bring peace to our land.

Father God, we thank You for the peace that we have in our relationships. Where there is turmoil, we will do what is necessary to bring about peace. We thank You for the opportunity to be peacemakers. We thank You for the opportunity to work for peace.

Thank You for giving us peace! Thank You for maintaining the peace between us and within us! Amen

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