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From Sinning

By Andrew Williams – July 20,2021

” I was blameless toward Him and kept myself from sinning. So the Lord repaid me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight.” Psalms 18:23‭-‬24 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

The parts of these verses that we will focus on today are:

1. “Kept myself from Sinning”

Sometimes when we become Christians, or even before we do, we think that once we have made the choice to accept Jesus as our Lord and savior, that we are able to stop sinning just like that. Some of us think that we don’t have to put any effort into ceasing from sin, but according to this verse, David kept himself from sinning.

Everyday as disciples of Christ we are faced with the choice of whether to serve God fully or to turn our back on Him, or to yield to sin. We need to be the ones to make that choice! So, are you keeping yourself from sinning against God?

2. “In His sight”

This tells me that God is not coming to His decisions based on other persons reports, but He sees everything and His judgment is based on what He sees. David reports from his point of view that he was doing God’s will. What I’m thinking, is that he did not presume that he would be rewarded based on his views alone, but on what God saw of him and in him.

My question to you is this: ” In God’s sight, are you righteous and are your hands clean?

Prayer : Every thought I have, every move I make, everything I say, You know them all my God. You see me and know me better than anyone, so Your judgments are always righteous. I trust You to make the righteous calls, but I also know that because of Your grace, favor, and mercy towards me You will give me more than I deserve. I love You Father God! Thank You for seeing me as righteous, and I continue to keep myself from sinning against You, amen.

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