Filled with the Holy Spirit While Listening to the Gospel

By Andrew Williams

Acts of the Apostles 10:44 NLT- Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message.

Good morning fellow disciples.

Cornelius, his household, and his invited guests, were in the process of listening to Peter preach the good news about Jesus when everyone who gathered to hear from Peter was suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit.

God had accepted them and showed this by baptizing them with His Holy Spirit! God knew their hearts and had seen their lifestyles. Them being accepted by God was irrefutable as they too spoke in tongues and praised God like the Jewish believers did on the day of Pentecost when they had received the Holy Spirit.

This is the first group of persons that we see being filled with the Holy Spirit WHILE listening to the gospel.

Are you like Cornelius and his household, who love and desire God so much that God will pour out His Holy Spirit on you as you listen intently to His WORD?

Are you like Peter who will go to the outcasts to preach the gospel so that they too can accept God and be accepted by God?

Prayer: Father God, show us who You have accepted, by pouring out Your Spirit upon them! Amen

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