eery, fear, stalk

Fear Response

By Andrew Williams – April 1, 2021

Scripture: Why is the Lord bringing us into this land to die by the sword? Our wives and little children will become plunder. Wouldn’t it be better for us to go back to Egypt? ” Numbers 14:3 HCSB

Observation: God promised the children of Israel that He would deliver them and take them into Canaan, the land of promise. He miraculously delivered them from the Egyptians and has continuously provided for them miraculously in the desert.

Now, the people believe the words of 10 spies who says that it’s impossible to go into the land and conquer it. Out of fear they want to go back to their captors, and they have lost their faith in The God who has been providing for them.

They now make the false accusation that God has brought them out of Egypt to kill them.

What an unbelieving and untrusting set of people?!

Application: We need to be careful whose report we believe. When God makes a promise ,He keeps it! No matter how daunting the situation He is faithful to His word. Today I choose to believe God’s word only!

I will not listen to anything or anyone who speaks against God’s word.

Prayer: Father God I will seek to know Your word, I will believe Your word, and I will Not listen to anything that is in opposition to You. Help me to be faithful to You I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

3 thoughts on “Fear Response”

  1. In times of happiness and contentment its so easy to abide in the Lord. But in despair, uncertainty and trials our faith tend to waver easily. May we remain steadfast in faith when doubt and fear set in by believing the report of the Lord.

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