Fear Based Petition

By Andrew Williams

And all the people in the region of the Gerasenes begged Jesus to go away and leave them alone, for a great wave of fear swept over them. So Jesus returned to the boat and left, crossing back to the other side of the lake.
Luke 8:37 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Petition: something asked or requested, an earnest request.

Jesus had just expelled a legion of demons from a demonized man. Jesus had permitted the demands to go into herds of pigs which subsequently ran off a cliff into the sea and drowned. When the people of the region came and saw what happened they begged Jesus to leave their area.

They were fearful of Jesus!

In just one conversation with this demonized man Jesus probably decimated their pig rearing industry. Wouldn’t you be fearful to invite Jesus into your community if He had just done that? What else could Jesus have done if they had allowed Him access to their towns?

Many of you, your families, and your friends are fearful of God and His Son.

Your you are afraid that God will change your life. You are afraid that God will change your families. You are afraid that God will change your communities.

You are afraid because you are sinful, and you do not want to change your lifestyle. So, instead of inviting Jesus into your life you beg Him to leave so that you can continue to live in sin.

Will you be like the demonized man who ran to Jesus, or will you be like these fearful people and run Jesus out of your life?

Prayer: Father God, I must admit that at times I have been fearful of You. This was because I was living in sin, and I did not want to change my life. I was afraid that inviting You into my life would cause me to lose everything that I had.

I fearfully hid from You and asked You to leave my life, to leave my family, and to leave my community. Forgive Me Lord! I was fearful. I did not realize the benefits of inviting You into my life.

I will no longer make fear-based petitions to You, my God. Father God, please stay in my life, and in the life of my family and community. Amen.

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