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Execution Decree

By Andrew Williams – November 28, 2021

Execution Decree

The decree was issued that the wise men were to be executed, and they searched for Daniel and his friends, to execute them.
Daniel 2:13 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

After King Nebuchadnezzar realized that the wise men, the Chaldeans, and the sorcerers could not tell him his dream, he decided that all of them would be executed along with their families.

So now that the decree was issued guards searched for Daniel and his friends to execute them because they were also a part of this grouping.

So, have you ever been a member of a group that a decree has been made against? Have you ever been caught up in something that you were not guilty of but the persons who were in authority made a decree that either:
1. you should do something or,
2. something should be done to you?

Currently we see that we cannot travel to some countries without being vaccinated because a decree has been made. This is just one example of a decree that is in the news now.
Sometimes it’s not easy to be placed in a position where you have no control. In this passage we see that Daniel and his friends were about to be executed.

What would you do if you were Daniel and his friends? Would you just surrender? Would you try to run away? Would you hide? Would you call on God to help you? What would be your plan of action?

We realize that we are held at the mercies of persons and as such, we need to be careful how we live our lives. We need to be careful who we serve wholeheartedly, and we need to know who it is that we put our trust in.

Prayer: Father God, the decree has been made, but I trust in You so much that I know that You will deliver me. You will deliver me from what is to come! I look to You now with all my heart and I say in the name of Jesus, protect me now Father, Amen.

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