death, darkness, dark

Evil at Heart

By Andrew Williams – April 23 ,2021

Scripture : When Ehud was dead, the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord . Judges 4:1 NKJV

Observation : In the book of Judges we see over and over that when there was a judge who was righteous in the sight of God the people served God. But when this judge died the people then went back to doing evil in the sight of God. It seems to be human nature to always want to have somebody showing us and telling us what to do. But when will we learn to lead instead of being led.

It is our normal propensity to be evil. Even with Jesus coming to make things right between us and God, we still continue to choose evil. When will we be fully obedient to God, fully surrendered and submitted to Him so that we no longer live a life dominated by evil.

Application : I will look to see if I am only being good because somebody is leading me in that way, or, I am living my life for God because of what He has done for me.

Prayer : Father God help me to be fully surrendered and submitted to You, and to obey You in all things just because You are worthy of all praise and honor. I want to live for You Father God, and I pray that with Your Holy Spirit in me I will do this every moment of every day. I ask this in Jesus’ Name, amen.

2 thoughts on “Evil at Heart”

  1. Maureen Williams

    Timely reminder. It is only when we are led by the Holy Spirit, we can truly surrender and be submissive.

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