
By Andrew Williams – May 4, 2021

But the Lord says, “Israel and Judah, what am I going to do with you? Your love for me disappears as quickly as morning mist; it is like dew, that vanishes early in the day. That is why I have sent my prophets to you with my message of judgment and destruction. What I want from you is plain and clear: Hosea 6:4‭-‬5 GNT

Good morning fellow disciples.

As human beings we get tired of persons who repeatedly does something that irritates us. When this happens we sometimes just shut them out of our lives. Sometimes we repeatedly forgive them, sometimes we try to give them a chance to change, and sometimes we just put up with their actions.

In this passage we see God being blunt with them, and telling them that their love is fleeting. It is because of this that He has sent His prophets with a message of judgment and destruction. God is trying to figure out what to do with them so He is telling them what He desires, so that they can choose whether they will do as He wants or disregard Him completely once again.

If God was to say to you, “your love for me is fleeting, and I don’t know what to do with you”, how would you feel? How would you truly feel knowing that you expected Him to just forgive you and move forward? What a wake up call it would be to realize that God is fed up with your actions? My guess is that you would then start paying attention to what God is truly saying.

Prayer : Father God I am an opportunist. The majority of times I seek You it’s because I want something from You. Most times I really have no intention of truly surrendering fully to You, and submitting to Your will and to Your way. Father God help me to truly seek You with all my heart. I am sorry for the many times that I have taken You for granted, and starting now I will not do that anymore. I give You my whole heart, I give You my life, I give You my everything, and from now on I will listen to Your every word and promptly obey You. Amen

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