Eternal Intercessor

By Andrew Williams

Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.
Hebrews 7:25 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Intercede: to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences; mediate; to plead on someone else’s behalf; or intervene on behalf of another.

Jesus Christ is our eternal intercessor! He has done what no other can do, and He is still doing what no one else is able to do.

Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, is the only way to become a part of the family of God. This is the only way that you can become saved. His one time sacrifice of His life is able to save persons now and forever, until he returns as king.

Jesus Christ lives forever. As an eternal being, He is forever interceding on our behalf.

Isn’t this the greatest news ever?

As a disciple of Christ, how many times have you sinned against Him and Father God?

How often do you disobey and dishonor God?

How often do you need someone to intercede with God on your behalf?

Who will intercede on behalf of all the future disciples with God?

I love the fact that the one who saved us is the one who is making intercession on our behalf. He does this not only once, but every time that we sin. Jesus Christ our savior is our eternal intercessor.

Prayer: Father God, in these three days we see that You are a God that listens to the intercession that is made on our behalf. You listen to the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ. Together You want to see mankind reconciled to You, and You have made all the provisions for that to happen.

Thank You Lord Jesus for not only saving us and making it possible for us to become sons of God, but you also continually intercede on our behalf. We love you Jesus! We honor You and glorify You! Thank You, thank You, for being the one who lives forever to intercede on our behalf. Amen.

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