By Andrew Williams
“When Jesus came to Simon Peter, Peter said to him, ‘Lord, are you going to wash my feet?’ Jesus replied, ‘You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.’ ‘No,’ Peter protested, ‘you will never ever wash my feet!’ Jesus replied, ‘Unless I wash you, you won’t belong to me.’ Simon Peter exclaimed, ‘Then wash my hands and head as well, Lord, not just my feet!’” – John 13:6-9 (NLT)
Good morning fellow disciples.
In this passage, Jesus humbled Himself to wash His disciples’ feet, a task reserved for the lowliest of servants. When He reached Peter, Peter resisted, unable to reconcile the image of his Master kneeling before him to perform such a humble act. Jesus gently explained that this act symbolized something deeper—cleansing and union with Him. Peter’s initial refusal stems from pride and misunderstanding, but his quick shift to enthusiastic submission reflects a heart eager to belong fully to Jesus. This interaction reminds us that sometimes, we don’t fully understand what Jesus is doing in our lives, but we are called to trust Him and humbly accept His work in us.
Peter’s journey in this passage is relatable to all of us. Like Peter, we can sometimes resist Jesus’ work in our lives, especially when it humbles us or challenges our expectations. Yet, Peter’s willingness to redirect his focus from his own pride to full submission to Jesus shows us the heart of true discipleship. It’s not about understanding everything in the moment but about trusting Jesus and allowing Him to cleanse, guide, and transform us.
Today, take a moment to reflect: Is there an area in your life where you are resisting Jesus’ work? It could be pride, fear, or lack of understanding holding you back. Redirect your focus from your own plans and expectations to Jesus’ greater purpose. Surrender that part of your life to Him and trust that even when you don’t understand, He is working for your good. Step into humility and allow Jesus to serve and transform you so you can, in turn, serve others with the same humility.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for showing us the ultimate example of humility and love. Like Peter, I sometimes resist Your work in my life, clinging to my own understanding and pride. Today, I choose to redirect my focus to You. Help me to humbly accept Your cleansing, Your guidance, and Your will for my life. Teach me to trust You even when I don’t fully understand what You’re doing. May I be a disciple who not only follows You but also reflects Your humility and love to others. In Your precious name, Amen.