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Double Evil

By Andrew Williams – November 26, 2021

Double Evil

“For My people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.”
Jeremiah 2:13 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Do you know right from wrong? Do you know what God expects of you, the choices He desires you to make? Do you know the difference between doing things God’s way, your way, or the way that the world wants? What choices have you been making? Are these choices good or evil?

Hear the word of the Lord: “My people have committed a double evil”. In this passage, we see that God’s people not only turned their backs on God, but they also chose to do something opposite to what was right. So the first thing was to ignore God/ omit God from their lives.

They abandoned the one who could sustain them. They abandoned the one who has been sustaining them all along. What a stupid thing to do: to leave the source that you need, the source that is willing to provide for you!  This shows that these people were rebellious.

The second sin/evil that they committed was to try to replace God with something else. They tried to make by their own hands and their efforts the thing that God had been providing for them all along. But what they did could not and would not be able to do for them what God was doing. Yet another stupid thing to do!

Are you like the person who I mentioned in this verse? Are you going to choose to continue doing double evil against God, or are you going to humble yourself before God and repent of your sins?

Prayer: Father God I have been so stupid. To leave You in order to find my own way has led me into double sin. Forgive me, Lord! I repent of my sins! Take me back to be one of Your people I pray. I surrender and submit to You now, and I will obey You in all things starting today. This I pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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