Don’t Lose Your Flavor

By Andrew Williams

Matthew 5:13 NLT – “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.

Good morning fellow disciples.

What good are you as a disciple of Jesus Christ if you are not witnessing and making disciples? Jesus describes you as salt that give its flavor to the earth.

Flavor: a distinctive appealing or enlivening quality.

Jesus declared that His words are Spirit and that they give life. As His disciples who proclaim His Gospel, we also bring life to persons who accept the words that we speak. This is our flavor that changes the world. We know God’s Word and we are empowered by His Holy Spirit.

When we witness to others, we spread this flavor among them so that they too can be changed and experienced this enlivening quality.

Don’t lose your connection to God, because if you do, you will lose your flavor. Then, you are of no use to His Kingdom.

Prayer: Father God, I am the salt of the earth. I will not lose my saltiness. I will add flavor to all who I encounter. Amen.

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