Do You Read God’s WORD?

By Andrew Williams

The passage of Scripture he had been reading was this: “He was led like a sheep to the slaughter. And as a lamb is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth.
Acts of the Apostles 8:32 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

Scripture: the books of either the Old Testament or the New Testament or of both: the Bible.

The Bible is therefore the written WORD of God which contains God’s message of salvation for humanity.

The Ethiopian eunuch was reading from a passage from the book of Isaiah while he was traveling from Jerusalem back to Ethiopia. When we read the full story, we realize that he did not understand what he was reading. He, however, kept on reading.

God saw his desire to understand His WORD, and He sent Philip the Evangelist to explain God’s plan of salvation to him.

Have you been reading God’s WORD?

Do you have a proper understanding of God’s WORD {expressed or manifested mind and will}?

What do you do when you have been reading passages and feel as if there is nothing there for you?

Do you give up, or do you just dig in deeper, praying that God will reveal the meaning of His WORD to you?

My fellow disciple, I implore you to faithfully read God’s WORD. God will see your determination and He will give you the meaning of His expressed or manifested mind and will.

Prayer: Father God, I will continue reading Your WORD. It is my desire to know Your will. It is my desire to know Your mind.

I know that You will honor my determination, and answer my prayer for You to give me understanding of Your WORD. Speak to me through Your Holy Spirit. Speak to me through Your holy servants. I am willing to listen. I will obey Your WORD. Amen.

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