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Do It Again

By Andrew Williams – September 2, 2021

“Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory! May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again.” Psalms 126:4 TPT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory! Israel wanted God to restore them to their former glory, now that they had returned home from captivity. Yesterday we spoke about what it was like when we first got saved or when we returned from a backslidden state. Those were marvelous times but that was just the beginning of our lives with God.

How many of us are aware that there are greater things than being just set free from sin and oppression? As I think of this statement, “Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory!”, My mind goes back to when God created human beings.

Why ? Because this was when mankind was most glorious, having been made in the image of God, was sinfree, had dominion over all God’s earthly creation and, MANKIND HAD PERFECT FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD. As disciples of Christ we are saved from sin’s hold over over our lives at the time of salvation, but we still have to choose to live sinfree, we have to stop submitting to the devil’s oppression, and we have to seek everyday to have total fellowship with God.

For some of us it is hard to have the type of fellowship with God that God requires. Sometimes it’s because we are not taught how to live like that, sometimes we choose to only submit a part of our lives to God, and sometimes even though we are saved we have false beliefs which keeps us from understanding how to truly live the Christlike life.

Remember this verse, ” My people fail because of lack of understanding”? God wants to restore us to our former glory! He has put everything in place for this to happen and He is willing to work along with us. We just have to play our part so that we can be who God created us to be: people made in His image that He delights in fellowshipping with.

Prayer : Father God we are Your redeemed people. You have saved us, freed us and brought us home, but we still are not back to being who we were when we were at our best in Your sight. You are our mighty God who is capable of doing great and marvelous things so God we ask You to, “do it again! Restore us to our former glory!” We long to walk in constant glorious fellowship with You!
Father God, “May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again.” We need You Lord God to “water us” with Your Holy Spirit so that we can flourish, bear fruit, and grow to become who we once were, who we were meant to be. We were meant to be Your righteous sons and daughters! So God just like when You created us perfect in the beginning, we ask you to make us perfect once more through the salvation offered by our Lord Jesus Christ and the refreshing from Your Holy Spirit.

Do it again Lord! Restore our former glory and May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again. This I ask in Jesus’ Name, amen.

1 thought on “Do It Again”

  1. Lord some people want You to restore us to what we were b4 COVID-19. But as my friend reminded us this morning, we want to look past that and say, You can restore us to our former glory as you intended from the beginning. Do a revival to manifest life even better than b4 Covid, change our hunger and our shortsighted ness Lord, from the normal life, to a transformed, renewed life. Will You revive us again Lord that your people may rejoice in you. Amen

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