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Did Not Know

By Andrew Williams – November 18, 2021

Did Not Know

Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, though she did not know it was Jesus.
John 20:14 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you ever been in a position where you are face to face with someone that you know but you did not recognize? This has happened to me several times for different reasons. One reason is that I’m nearsighted and depending on the distance that you are from me I can’t really make out your features that well, so sometimes I’m face to face with someone that I know but I don’t recognize them.

Another reason is that I come in contact with so many persons that sometimes it takes a while for me to figure out who they are because I tend to remember persons based on my recollection of conversations that have had with them and not their physical features. Another reason why I sometimes don’t recognize persons is because of the changes that they have done to their physical features such as applying makeup, different hairstyles and, toning their skin.

In this passage we see Mary coming face to face with Jesus but she did not recognize Him. It wasn’t until Jesus spoke to her and told her that it was Him that she recognized Him. In some situations we find ourselves talking to persons and only when they identify or reintroduce themselves do we recognize who they are.

As a Christian, have you ever heard the Holy Spirit speak to you but you did not recognize it was Him? There are many times when we have encounters with God but we don’t recognize Him. Why is this so? Is it because we are at a place in our lives where our focus is off Him and we can’t truly see Him or hear Him?

In this passage, Mary was focused on Jesus being dead instead of being alive, even though He had told them that He would rise on the third day. God is speaking to some of us today and we are not recognizing Him! There may be many reasons for this, but they could all be summed up in this one statement: we have lost focus on who God is and what He has said in His word.

“She turned around and saw Jesus standing there, though she did not know it was Jesus.” If you are like Mary this morning, stop and listen to the voice of the Lord and recognize Him! He wants you to know Him for who He is, and not who you think He should be.

Prayer: Father God, there are so many times that You have spoken to me but I did not know it was You. I thank You for Your word, I thank You for Your Holy Spirit, and I thank You for godly men and women who can show me who You are. I have been so blinded by the things of this world and my self-centeredness that even when You are speaking clearly to me I don’t recognize You.

Forgive Me Lord, and help me to see You and to hear You so that I will recognize and to know You! Amen.

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