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August 28, 2021
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By Andrew Williams – August 28, 2021

“Will I not in that day,” says the Lord, “Even destroy the wise men from Edom, And understanding from the mountains of Esau?Then your mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, To the end that everyone from the mountains of Esau May be cut off by slaughter.
Obadiah 1:8-9 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

As we continue to look at the vision of Obadiah, we see that on an appointed day that God will destroy the key institutions of Edom. The wise men will be destroyed along with understanding. This points to those in the ruling class along with the educational systems. From history we note that almost every major conquest follows this pattern, where the educated are removed and the educational systems are destroyed. The conqueror then replaces the old system with one of his choosing.

We note that after this that God says, “Then your mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, To the end that everyone from the mountains of Esau May be cut off by slaughter.” With no leadership the people will then be easily destroyed and killed.

Isn’t this also a tactic that the devil uses to destroy us as followers of Christ? He attacks our “wise men” and fools them into believing heresies which they then teach to the masses. These false teachings robs us of the truth about God and our knowledge and understanding of God becomes inaccurate. When this happens it is easy for the devil to destroy and kill us.

Prayer : Father God, Your judgement is severe and final. We don’t want to fall under it Lord because we will be totally destroyed. Help us to learn from how you treated Edom. Help us to turn to You before it’s too late.

As we see how a prideful and deceived people can be destroyed, we ask you Lord to make us wise. As we examine ourselves help us to recognize how we are being led astray by some of our leaders and some of the beliefs that we hold fast to. Help us to come out from under false teachings that will lead us to eternal destruction.

I pray Lord that we will turn away from heretical teachings and turn to You. Fill us with Your Spirit of Truth and teach us how to truly live for You. This I pray, in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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