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Desire and Happiness

By Andrew Williams – July 23,2021

“Seek your happiness in the Lord , and he will give you your heart’s desire.” Psalm 37:4 GNT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Happiness is defined as ‘a state of well-being and contentment’. Desire is defined as something longed or hoped for.

In this verse happiness and desire are both linked to the Lord. There are many ways to seek a state of well being and contentment, but the majority of those ways only lead to short lived happiness. Many of them have no way of giving us what we long for or hope for.

Why do we spend our time and energy chasing down different things to make us happy and to fulfil our desires? What if there was one person who could help us achieve both? Well, the Lord can ! The problem is that we tend not to seek happiness in Him or trust Him to give us the desires of our hearts.

Will you trust God to give you the desires of your heart by seeking your happiness in Him?!

Prayer: Father God, I want to be happy and I want my desires to be met. I have tried so many ways to achieve these but they don’t work or they don’t last. I want true happiness which I know can only be found in You, so now I submit to Your ways and seek happiness in You.

I surrender my desires to You and I pray that You will bless me with what I truly need. This I ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

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