Deliverance in the Midst of Trouble

By Andrew Williams

Psalm 91:15: “He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.” (New Living Translation).

Good morning fellow disciples.

This isn’t a passive assurance; it’s a dynamic covenant, a powerful declaration of God’s active presence and unwavering commitment to His children in their times of distress.

Before we explore the verse itself, let’s clarify the meaning of deliverance within this context. Deliverance here transcends mere escape from hardship. It signifies a comprehensive rescue, encompassing protection from harm, guidance through confusion, strength in weakness, and the profound experience of God’s presence even in the midst of the storm.

It’s not simply about removing the trouble; it’s about God’s active intervention, bringing us through the trial, transforming our circumstances, and ultimately, drawing us closer to Him. It’s about experiencing His power, His grace, and His unwavering love, even when life feels overwhelming.

The verse begins with an invitation: “He will call on me, and I will answer him.” This emphasizes the importance of communication with God, of bringing our burdens, fears, and anxieties to Him in prayer. It’s a call to intimacy, a recognition of our dependence on Him, and a trust in His willingness to hear and respond. This isn’t a one-way street; it’s a two-way conversation, a relationship built on trust and mutual love.

The next phrase, “I will be with him in trouble,” is a declaration of God’s unwavering presence. He doesn’t abandon us in our darkest hours; He walks with us, He strengthens us, He comforts us. His presence is not merely a feeling; it’s a tangible reality, a source of strength and hope that sustains us when we feel overwhelmed.

The core of the promise lies in the words, “I will deliver him.” This is the assurance of God’s active intervention, His commitment to see us through our trials. He may not always remove the trouble entirely, but He will deliver us from its power to overwhelm us, to consume us, to define us. He will deliver us through the trouble, refining us and bringing us to the other side, stronger and more deeply rooted in Him.

Finally, the verse concludes with the promise, “and honor him.” This speaks to the ultimate outcome of God’s deliverance – not only our rescue from trouble but also our elevation, our glorification. It’s a testament to God’s faithfulness, His desire to lift us up, and His commitment to use our struggles to refine us and draw us closer to Him.

Empowerment from the Verse: This verse empowers us to face life’s challenges with unwavering faith, knowing that we are not alone. It assures us of God’s unwavering presence, His active intervention, and His ultimate victory on our behalf. It’s a call to trust, to persevere, and to anticipate His deliverance.

Your Task: Today, I challenge you to actively practice calling upon God in times of trouble. Don’t hesitate to bring your anxieties and fears before Him in prayer. Expect His answer, His presence, and His deliverance.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for the unwavering promise of Psalm 91:15. I will call upon You in my times of trouble, trusting in Your presence, Your power, and Your unwavering love. Deliver me and draw me closer to You. Amen.

1 thought on “Deliverance in the Midst of Trouble”

  1. All your anxiety all your care
    Bring to the mercy seat leave it there
    Never a burden He cannot bear
    Never a friend like Jesus.

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