Delightful Meditation

By Andrew Williams

But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.
Psalms 1:2 NLT

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Delight is defined as: something that gives great pleasure.

Meditate is defined as: to focus one’s thoughts on, to reflect on, or ponder over.

Meditating on God’s Word is delightful. It gives one pleasure. It assures us of who God is and what He has done for us. It gives us pleasure because it brings us into fellowship and relationship with God Almighty Himself.

When you truly focus your thoughts on God and His Word, what does that do to you?

When you reflect on God’s word, how does that help you change your life?

When you ponder God’s Word and what He has done for His creation and for you, how does that make you want to serve others?

Today, as you meditate on God’s Word, delight in who God is. Delight in what He has done for you, and how you can serve others based on what God is teaching you.

Prayer: Father God, it is a pleasure to read Your laws and to obey them. As I meditate on them day by day, I am amazed at how loving You are. You have not placed anything in Your laws that is too hard for us to understand or to perform. As we redirect our focus to meditating on Your Word, help us to delight in them and to obey them.

We will teach others Your laws, how to meditate on them, and how to delight in them. Amen.

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