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Cut Off

By Andrew Williams – May 12,2021

“Therefore, as I live” — this is the declaration of the Lord God — “I am going to cut you off and show you no pity, because you have defiled My sanctuary with all your detestable practices and abominations. Yes, I will not spare you. Ezekiel 5:11 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

As God continues to speak of the punishment that he will meet out on Jerusalem we see that He is now going to cut off His people. He will not spare them from this judgment. Why is this? Because they have defiled His sanctuary with all their detestable practices and abominations.

As we are now under the New covenant are we still doing as the Jews did in that time period? Are we defiling God’s sanctuary with detestable practices and abominations? Are we defiling the physical Church, and our bodies which is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit?

Are we in the place where God is about to cut off some of us, and He will NOT spare us? This is the third in the devotional series, and for each day we have been looking at ourselves to see if we are like the people in the chosen passages. Let us continue to do this today, but let us also INTERCEDE on the behalf of others who meet your criteria for punishment.

Prayer: Father God we repent of our sins and we ask that You renew our fellowship with You. Thank You Lord for accepting us. We now ask You Father God to hear our prayer as we pray for those who are about to be cut off by you. We ask You father God to forgive them and to show them the error of their ways and lead them to repentance Lord. May Your Holy Spirit speak to their hearts and let their consciences convict them of sin, leading them to repentance. Father God You are just in Your judgment, so now Lord do as you need to: forgive, save, punish or cut off completely. Amen.

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