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Crushed By Words

By Andrew Williams – October 21, 2021

Crushed By Words

“Then Job answered and said,  “How long will you torment and exasperate me And crush me with words?” Job 19:1‭-‬2 AMP

Good morning fellow disciples.

I know that a lot of times you are in this position that Job was in. You have been constantly tormented, exasperated, and crushed with words from the ones that are around you. I know it’s not a nice place to be especially when you do not deserve those words.

People will do what they will do because of who they are and what they believe. Sometimes this causes them to use words in ways that hurt others. This is not the right thing to do, but sometimes they feel justified in doing so because they believe what they are doing is right.

In Job’s case, God allowed him to be tormented by the devil who took his family, his possessions, and his health away. When his friends came to comfort him, everything they said ended up crushing Job’s spirit. Today I ask you to be like Job who despite all of this, kept his faith in God and pleaded his case before God. Please don’t let the words that persons speak make you lose your relationship with God or your faith in God!

Prayer: Father God, even though I don’t see why You allow things to happen sometimes, I am comforted by the fact that You are in charge. I am comforted by the fact that You will protect me even when persons speak evil against me. I put my faith and trust in You, and I believe that You will vindicate me in front of all those who speak evil against me. I love You and I ask You to continue being my God, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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