Created Son

By Andrew Williams

“‭Luke 3:38 KJV‬ “ which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.”

Good morning fellow disciples.

In the genealogy of Jesus, we see that Adam is described as the Son of God.

God created mankind in His own image. He created mankind to fellowship with Him and to have a deep personal and spiritual relationship with Him. Adam was the first of his kind, sinless and pure.

The relationship that they had was the relationship that God wants with all mankind, one free from sin and fear.

Even though sin corrupted the relationship and fellowship that they had, and all mankind since then has been distant from God, we too can have this pure and sin-free relationship with God.

Because we are born of The Holy Spirit and adopted as God’s children, we too will live sin-free and free from fear when Jesus returns for us.

Oh, what wonderful days those will be!

Let us continue to live as redeemed children of God.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for placing Your spirit in us and giving us new life, free from sin and free from fear! Amen.

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