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Conversations with Jesus at the Mount of Olives – Part 5

By Andrew Williams – October 2, 2022

But [Peter] said more vehemently and repeatedly, [Even] if it should be necessary for me to die with You, I will not deny or disown You! And they all kept saying the same thing.
Mark 14:31 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Peter was the spokesman, but all the disciples agreed with him. Peter vehemently and repeatedly said: EVEN IF IT SHOULD BE NECESSARY FOR ME TO DIE WITH YOU, I WILL NOT DENY OR DISOWN YOU!

Peter was full of emotion, and I believe that he meant what he said. The problem is when God prophesies something about you it has to come to pass. Peter was walking in his own power and in his own strength. He could not fulfill what he was saying because he did not have the power of the Holy Spirit within him.

All the other disciples kept on saying the same thing that Peter said: EVEN IF EVEN IF IT SHOULD BE NECESSARY FOR US TO DIE WITH YOU, WE WILL NOT DENY OR DISOWN YOU!

As usual Jesus let them have the last word. He didn’t argue with them or try to prove His prophetic utterance. In time they would see His truth!

These guys were serious! They were willing to go the extra mile for their Lord and Master, or so they thought.

How would the Kingdom of God advance if all of Jesus’ disciples died with Him on the same day? This was not God’s plan and purpose for them. Jesus indeed would die and so would they {at later point in time}. God wanted them to live on after Jesus’ death so that they could go on to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God and to make disciples for God’s Kingdom.

So, do you stand in agreement to God’s words prophesied over your life or do you keep on saying something else to Him in reply?

Prayer: Father God, help us to hear You when You speak! Help us to stand in agreement with Your declarations over us! Help us to think about, understand, and accept Your will for our lives. Amen

2 thoughts on “Conversations with Jesus at the Mount of Olives – Part 5”

  1. This is a great lesson on discipleship.
    Jesus wants us to live for him and to introduce others to him on our journey.

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