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Conversations with Jesus at His Last Meal – Part 2

By Andrew Williams – September 22, 2022

Conversations with Jesus at His Last Meal – Part 2

Then the disciples set out and came to the city and found [everything] just as He had told them; and they prepared the Passover. And when it was evening, He came with the Twelve [apostles]. And while they were at the table eating, Jesus said, Surely I say to you, one of you will betray Me, [one] who is eating [here] with Me. [Ps. 41:9.]
Mark 14:16‭-‬18 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

You are away from the crowd, the stress has eased, you have sat down to eat, you are now communing with God, and you are enjoying the time of fellowship with God. You have been looking forward to your time with God then He says something unexpected.

He says: “Surely I say to you, one of you will betray Me, [one] who is eating [here] with Me.”

Say what now, Jesus!

What did you just say? Can you repeat it please?

You can see everyone stop what they were doing when the heard Jesus’ statement. Maybe the food fell out of their hands or mouths. Maybe some choked on the food they were trying to swallow.

The point is this, sometimes God says unexpected things to us during our times of fellowship. Has God ever shocked you during your times of fellowshipping together?

1. What was your response?

2. What was God preparing you for?

3. What did you learn? And,

4. How did you glorify God when you saw the outcome of your obedient response to Him?

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