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Conversations with Jesus at His Last Meal – Part 5

By Andrew Williams – September 25, 2022

And while they were eating, He took a loaf [of bread], praised God and gave thanks and asked Him to bless it to their use. [Then] He broke [it] and gave to them and said, Take. Eat. This is My body. Mark 14:22 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus continues to say shocking things to His disciples in this His last meal with them before His death.

Can you imagine getting food from someone who goes on to say: “Take. Eat. This is My body”?

What would your reaction be in that moment?

When you eat it’s for sustenance. Here we see Jesus physically offering His disciples food. He wanted to see them fed and full of energy.

Note the prayer of Jesus before He offered them the bread: “And while they were eating, He took a loaf [of bread], praised God and gave thanks and asked Him to bless it to their use.”

He asked God to bless it to their use.

Physically this would give them energy for their journey.

Spiritually, when they “took and ate Jesus’ body” they would have sustenance for living their lives as His disciples.


1. Have you taken and ate of the Lord’s body?

2. Is God sustaining you as His disciple?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for asking Father God to “bless Your body to our use”. We have received spiritual sustenance and we are walking strongly because of You. We will continue to feed on Your Word and live our lives the way that You commanded. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Conversations with Jesus at His Last Meal – Part 5”

  1. The Bread represents rhe body of Christ. In obedience to The will of The Father Hd gave up himself so that we can experience eternal life.
    Thank you Jesus.

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