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Conversations at the High Priest’s House Part 9

By Andrew Williams – October 31, 2022

And some of them began to spit on Him and to blindfold Him and to strike Him with their fists, saying to Him, Prophesy! And the guards received Him with blows and by slapping Him. 
Mark 14:65 AMPC
Conversations at the High Priest’s House Part 9

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sometimes the punishment, the persecution, and the pain that we undergo when we tell the truth is immediate. Sometimes even before we receive our punishment from the judge, those are around us decide to meet out punishment to us.

The strange thing is that sometimes this punishment is not warranted at all and when we go to the judge he upholds our innocence. But by that time it is too late for us because we would have already been unjustly punished by others.

Those in the council spat on Jesus, blindfolded Him and started hitting Him. They began to jeer Him and asked Him to prophesy who hit Him. They made fun of the Lord because they thought they had the upper hand. When He was sent to the guards, they themselves slapped Him and beat Him. There was no reprieve for Jesus. Everyone there was against Him.

What situations have you found yourself in where everyone is against you?

What did you feel during those times?

How did you deal with those situations?

Prayer: Father God, sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the way that persons treat me. It is so unfair to be treated so harshly when I tell the truth. Help me Lord to be forgiving towards them I pray. Amen.

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