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Conversations at the High Priest’s House Part 5

By Andrew Williams – October 27, 2022

But He kept still and did not answer at all. Again the high priest asked Him, Are You the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One), the Son of the Blessed? Mark 14:61 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples

Jesus would not answer or comment on the false accusations that were being spoken about Him. When you’re faced with a similar situation be like Jesus, do not answer them!

When persons are focused on trying to destroy you they will be persistent. Sometimes they will pause for a moment to make you think that they have given up, but then they return with the same questions. Sometimes we get fed up and lash out at them without even thinking.

Be focused!

Be patient!

Remember who you are and whose you are!

Do nothing that would let you stray from God’s purpose for your life!

When the enemy realizes that he can’t trap you with his lies he will ask you a question that if you answer it truthfully he will have all that he needs to condemn you.

What do you do in that situation?

Prayer: “Are You the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One), the Son of the Blessed?”

Jesus responds: “Yes I am my disciple! I have paid the price for your redemption. Will you accept ME as your Lord? Will you serve ME wholeheartedly? Will you be My witness to the whole world? Rest assured, I will never leave you or forsake you if you choose ME as your LORD.”

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