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Conversations at the High Priest’s House Part 1

By Andrew Williams – October 23, 2022

And they led Jesus away to the high priest, and all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes were gathered together. And Peter followed Him at a distance, even right into the courtyard of the high priest. And he was sitting [in the firelight] with the guards and warming himself at the fire.
Mark 14:53‭-‬54 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

As we set the scene for this next arc in the life of Jesus, we find ourselves at the high Priest’s residence. This is where Jesus was brought by the soldiers who came to arrest Him.

We see Peter following Him at a distance. Even though he had fled from Jesus’ presence in the garden, Peter was still wanting to be close to Jesus to see what would happen. He was brave enough to even go into the high Priest’s yard.

Oh my God! It just makes sense to me now. Peter was brave, very brave! He was sitting with the guards around the fire. These were the same persons who had just arrested Jesus in the presence of Peter, and Peter is now sitting with them!

Did he want to get arrested too?

Did he think that they would not recognize him?

Let us remember that Judas was with Jesus for three years and no one recognized that the devil would lead him to betray Jesus. If he could hide in plain sight couldn’t Peter do the same at night among the enemies of Jesus?

I have no idea what Peter was thinking, but I don’t think I would find myself sitting among the persons who had just arrested my Lord and Master, and who probably would want to arrest me also.

How about you? What would you have done in that situation?

Prayer: Father God, some things just happen so quickly at times that we don’t know how to process it. Help us to see Your will in these situations and help us to accept it. As we continue to look at these conversations at the high Priest’s house help us to gain great insight into how we should live our lives. Amen.

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