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Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 5

Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 5

And He was saying, Abba, [which means] Father, everything is possible for You. Take away this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You [will].
Mark 14:36 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you ever been in the position where you have ever said these words or heard these words being said:

“Daddy please don’t beat me, I promise I will be good. Daddy please don’t beat me, please don’t beat me! I know that I did something wrong, and I know that I deserve the beating, but Daddy please don’t beat me!”

There are many times when we know the outcome of our actions but yet still, we plead for mercy from our “judge”.

We see Jesus speaking to His Father asking Him to take this suffering away from Him, and to find another way for them to save humanity. But even while asking, Jesus was surrendered and submitted to the will of His Father. He made it clear that even though it was Jesus’ will not to go through this suffering He left everything up to His Father to decide.

You have been called and chosen by God. Have you surrendered and submitted to Him, and His will for your life?

Will you be like Jesus who spoke honestly to God but then left the final decision up to Him?

Prayer: Yet not what I will, but what You will be done oh God. Amen

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