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Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 3

By Andrew Williams – October 5, 2022

Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 3

And He said to them, My soul is exceedingly sad (overwhelmed with grief) so that it almost kills Me! Remain here and keep awake and be watching. Mark 14:34 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

The disciples must have observed the terror, amazement, and the deeply troubled and depressed state that Jesus was in. Jesus opened up to them and said to them: “My soul is exceedingly sad (overwhelmed with grief) so that it almost kills Me!”

Wow! Jesus was extremely sad, so sad that He felt as if He was going to die!

This must have been a new experience for the disciples. They probably had never seen Jesus in a state like this.

Jesus went on to say: “Remain here and keep awake and be watching!”

I don’t know about you, but if someone who I have known for three years starts behaving like this and tells me to remain there, stay awake and be watching, I would be very nervous.

My first thought would be, is he going to hurt himself?

I would then make sure to be close by to ensure that he would not harm himself. I would observe him closely and try to support him in whatever way I could.

We need to listen closely to those who are in need. Sometimes all we have to do is what they have asked us to do, because this is all they need.

Are you listening to those who are in need around you? Are you providing what they require?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, even in Your deepest despair You wanted Your disciples close to You. You craved their support and their protection. You loved them so much that You gave them the opportunity to care for You.

Lord, we want to learn from Your example. Help us to be open with those around us and share with them what we need them to do in our times of need. Help us also to listen to those who are in need so that we can help them. Amen

1 thought on “Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 3”

  1. This is a reminder that we all need support from those around us.

    The Church is the body of Christ and each member has a function in Kingdom building.

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