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Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 15

By Andrew Williams – October 17, 2022

And they threw their hands on Him and arrested Him.
Mark 14:46 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

The signal had been given and the plan of the enemy was in full effect. Satan had gotten Judas to betray Jesus. He had the full backing of the Sanhedrin and the Herodians. The plan of action was in effect, and the actors in this plan were now on the stage.

Many times, before we have seen Jesus escape from situations where they wanted to kill Him or arrest Him. This could have been another such situation. However, this time there was no escape!

It was the will of God for Jesus to be captured, to be arrested and to fall into the hands of the enemy. When the signal was given, they grabbed Him and arrested Him.

Can you imagine the looks of surprise on His disciples faces?

Can you imagine the terror they felt?

Can you imagine how satisfied those who came to arrest Him were?

The plot in the Jesus’ story has suddenly changed to something that no one thought would or should happen. This is the point in “the movie” where persons begin to wonder what on Earth is happening!?

We end today with this prayer:

Lord Jesus, what were You thinking and feeling in that moment when they grabbed You and arrested You? We know that You are resigned to the will of Your Father, but You have emotions just like us.

How did You feel my Lord? Were you at peace, was Your heart racing, did You have the fight or flight response but could not move?

Whatever You are feeling Lord, we thank You for being obedient to God’s will. Thank You for paying the price for us to be saved and to be made right with God once more. Amen.”

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