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Conversations Around the Fire at the High Priest’s House Part 4

By Andrew Williams

Then he commenced invoking a curse on himself [should he not be telling the truth] and swearing, I do not know the Man about Whom you are talking! 
Mark 14:71 AMPC
Conversations Around the Fire at the High Priest’s House Part 4

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you ever wanted to save your life so much that you denied the person that loved you the most?

Have you ever wanted to save your life so much that you invoked curse on yourself?

Have you ever wanted to save your life so much that you denied the Lord and sided with the devil?

Whether knowingly or unknowingly, we have at some points in our lives been guilty of at least one of these.

In the moment we may not realize what we are doing because our goal is not to hurt others but to save ourselves. In those moments we are self-absorbed and self-centered, not thinking of others or how we may be hurting them.

It is human nature to preserve ourselves no matter the cost.

Here we see Peter being backed into a corner and his last outburst is this: “I do not know the Man about Whom you are talking!”

What a way to classify the man that you previously professed to be your Lord, Master, Rabbi, the Messiah and, The Son of God!

How far has Peter fallen?


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