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Conversations Around the Fire at the High Priest’s House Part 3

By Andrew Williams

And the maidservant saw him, and began again to say to the bystanders, This [man] is [one] of them. But again he denied it falsely and disowned Him. And after a short while, again the bystanders said to Peter, Really, you are one of them, for you are a Galilean and your dialect shows it. 
Mark 14:69‭-‬70 AMPC
Conversations Around the Fire at the High Priest’s House Part 3

Good morning fellow disciples.

When Jesus was before the Sanhedrin the witnesses were giving false evidence and none of the evidence could be corroborated.

Around this fire evidence was being brought against Peter and all of them were adding up. We have the eyewitness of the maid. We have Peter’s dialect pointing into being one of Jesus’ followers, and we have a different maid servant saying that she saw Peter with Jesus before.

All these evidences against Peter were true. However unlike Jesus who spoke the truth, Peter lied!

Sometimes we go about our daily lives without even realizing that we are giving people evidence about us. These evidences can vindicate us or convict us.

What evidence are you giving to people?

Does your evidence point them to Jesus?

Does your evidence free them?

Does your evidence bring healing to them?

Does your evidence testify of who Jesus is in your life, and who He could be in theirs?

Prayer: Father God, help me to realize that everything that I do on this Earth is accounted for. Help me to use every moment of my life to honor You and to glorify You. Help me to use every moment of my life to walk surrendered, submitted, and obedient to You.

May the little things that I do lead others to you. This I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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