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A Conversation With Jesus About Things Done In His Name Part 1

By Andrew Williams – June 5, 2022

A Conversation With Jesus About Things Done In His Name Part 1

John said to Him, “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him because he wasn’t following us.”
Mark 9:38 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Mine! Mine! Mine!!

That’s how kids tend to speak about things they don’t want to share, even when it doesn’t belong to them. Sharing may be for their benefit or for someone else’s, but no, these self-centered little people do not want to share.

This was what was happening in this story. Jesus’ disciples wanted to stop someone who was not following along with them from, healing and casting out demons, in Jesus’ name. They took it up on themselves to censor this man. They thought they were doing the right thing because the man was not with them day by day.

Did you see the mistake I just made. They weren’t stopping the man from using Jesus name because he wasn’t following along with them, or following Jesus, but because the man wasn’t following THEM. Yes, the ‘them’ could include Jesus, but are you telling me that they thought so highly of themselves that they could not just say”because he was not following YOU?”

This is how we sometimes behave as disciples. We limit others from expressing faith in God because they don’t belong to our party, clique, church, or because they don’t have a title or position within the church.

Is this what God wants us to do?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I know that these disciples were being taught by You and that they had not yet accepted you as Lord and Savior as we have. They did not have the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit as yet. However, we behave just like them, like selfish little children who want to hold on to You and not share what You have given, with others.

We dishonor You by behaving in this way, and we are sorry Lord. We repent! As of today we will not limit anyone who is preaching the gospel, healing the sick, or delivering persons in your name. Amen

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