Confess Your Sin

By Andrew Williams

If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. 
Psalms 66:18 NLT
Confess Your Sin

Good morning fellow disciples.

To confess means to admit to something that you have done wrong or to acknowledge a feeling or belief that you have been keeping hidden. Confessing can be a difficult thing to do, as it often requires a person to be vulnerable and to take responsibility for their actions or thoughts.

Confession often involves sharing one’s thoughts, feelings, or actions with another person or group, usually with the goal of seeking forgiveness, redemption, or absolution.

Are you willing to confess your sin?

Are you willing to be vulnerable around other persons?

Do you really desire to be forgiven, redeemed, or absolved of your sins?

What sort of relationship do you want with the Lord?

The psalmist says that if he had not confessed his sin, the sin that was in his heart, the Lord would not have listened to him. Do you want the Lord to listen to you?

Do you want a relationship that is growing with the Lord, one that is flourishing and life-changing?

Confess the sin that is in your heart and begin that life-changing conversation with God!

Prayer: Father God, I have sinned against You! I have disobeyed You in so many ways and missed the mark that You have set for me to achieve. I sometimes try to hide the sins that I have committed. I have not been vulnerable with You, I have not been honest with You, but today Lord I put aside all fear.

I humble myself before You and confess my sins. Please listen to me, and speak to me, God. I am willing to hear You! I am willing to obey You! I will live my life surrendered, submitted, and fully obedient to You. Amen

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