Confess Your Lord

By Andrew Williams

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 
Romans 10:9 NLT
Confess Your Lord

Good morning fellow disciples.

Confess: to declare faith in or adherence to.

I remember the first time this passage became real to me. I believe I was about 14 years old. After years of being in church and listening to sermons, and being taught in Sunday school by my parents and teachers, I finally decided to give my heart to the Lord.

I remember standing in my room alone in front of a large mirror. I looked at myself, and I declared out loud, “I believe that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I AM SAVED!”

The next Sunday at church I told my pastor what I had done, and he told me that I was indeed saved. My confession that Jesus Christ was my Lord saved me!

Have you made that confession?

Have you led other persons to make that confession?

Are you’re teaching or discipling others so that they can come to the realization that Jesus Christ is Lord?

Prayer: Father God, I believe that Jesus is Your only begotten Son, I believe He is Lord and I believe in my heart that YOU raised Him from the dead!

With this confession, declaration of faith, in Jesus Christ I know that I am saved!

Thank You Father for making it possible for me to be saved because of Your Son’s sacrifice. Amen.

1 thought on “Confess Your Lord”

  1. Absolutely inspiring and soul searching devotionals. God be praised. Keep on keeping on my dear brother Pastor Andrew.

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