Confess – Make It Known

By Andrew Williams

The commander brought Paul inside and ordered him lashed with whips to make him confess his crime. He wanted to find out why the crowd had become so furious. 
Acts of the Apostles 22:24 NLT
Confess – Make It Known

Good morning fellow disciples.

Confess: to tell or make known; to give evidence of.

What will it require to make you confess, to tell or make known what you have done?

What will it require to make you confess, to tell or make known the truth about someone or a situation?

What will it require to make you confess, to tell or make known who you serve?

What will you do in order to get a confession from someone?

In certain situations, all that is needed is a request. In other situations, persons have to be compelled to make a confession. But, sometimes people spontaneously volunteer to confess.

Whatever the situation, we need to be persons who make confessions. Is there something that needs to make known?

Confess it today!

Prayer: Father God, I will make it known! Amen.

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