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By Andrew Williams – November 13, 2021


Scripture: Just as You commissioned and sent Me into the world, I also have commissioned and sent them (believers) into the world.
John 17:18 AMP

Definition of Commission
1: authority to act for, in behalf of, or in place of another.
2: an authorization or command to act in a prescribed manner or to perform prescribed acts .
3: an act of entrusting or giving authority.

Observation: From this passage we see that the same commission that Jesus had is the same commission that He gave us. This means that we are acting on behalf of Father God, in His place, in His authority to act in the prescribed way and to perform the prescribed tasks that Father God would have us do.

We are authorized , empowered and entrusted to do exactly as God commanded Jesus to do. This means that we are His emissaries here on Earth to proclaim the Kingdom of God .

This is why we are disciples of Christ, learning to be just like Him so that we can act just like He did. This is why we are called Christians (little Christs), because we are to do exactly as Christ did and to be exactly as Christ was here on Earth. This is because we have the same commission that Christ had from Father God.

Application: Now that I’ve learned what it means to be commissioned, and that I’m commissioned just like Christ, I will live my life obedient to Father God. In practice this means that I will spend time in the Word, spend time in prayer, spend time being an obedient disciple, spend time making disciples, sharing with, and caring for others just as Jesus did.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for commissioning me through Jesus Christ to be Your emissary here on Earth. I will be obedient to You in all aspects of my life so that I will indeed be like Christ in all that I do. Continue to bless me as I surrender to You, and through my surrender help me to make disciples for You. I ask this in Jesus’ Name ,amen.

1 thought on “COMMISSIONED”

  1. I really appreciate the thoughts, as often I have a revelation of God’s Word that gives me new insights into who God is and who I am in Him.

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