Church Helped

By Andrew Williams

Acts of the Apostles 11:22 NLT -When the church at Jerusalem heard what had happened, they sent Barnabas to Antioch.

Good morning fellow disciples.

Does your Church need help?

In Acts 11 we see the church at Antioch being planted. The interesting thing about this church was that it was the first to have gentile members. When the church in Jerusalem heard about this new set of converts, they sent Barnabas to help them.

Barnabas went and helped them for a bit, then left to find Paul. They both returned to Antioch and stayed there for a year teaching them. They also preached to large crowds and many people were added to the church.

Does your church need capable teachers, pastors, administrators, or evangelists?

Does it need help from another established church to help with church growth and stability?

Is your church willing to accept the help that it needs?

Prayer: Father God, thank You for providing the help that every church will need. May we be humble enough to accept this help, and may we also be willing to help churches that are in need. Amen.

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